Texas A&M-Kingsville Logo
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This was created as a potential rebrand/redesign of the existing Texas A&M University-Kingsville logo. Ultimately, it went unused, though for a time it was considered as a mark to be used on the masthead/banner for the tamuk.edu redesign that was underway around the same time.
The existing TAMUK logo features the university's iconic College Hall belltower in a stylized relief. I took the iconic tower and took it at a different angle--as though one was looking up to it from the entrance to the building. This logo harkens back to an older verison of the logo used for Texas A&I University, except that the tower is more stylized in this version.
Also, because of contreversy that lingers from the university's name change in 1993 (from Texas A&I to Texas A&M-Kingsville), I deemphasized the "Texas A&M" portion of the existing logo in favor of an enlargened "Kingsville" to better emphasize the existing lineage of the university, rather than the conncection to the Texas A&M University System.
Like I said, in the end, this design wasn't implemented, but I did get through a revision of the university's colors. We switched to PMS 286 (blue) and PMS 123 (gold) from their existing—and much brighter—293 (blue) and 107 (yellow).
I was also able to get in one little easter egg: the clock's hands are set to 9:01. September 1st (9/01) is my birthday.